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Submission Guidelines

General Information and Instructions:

  • The Deviant Philosopher contains four types of content pages: PrimersUnitsLesson Plans, and Activities. You will find descriptions of these below.
  • Each type of page has a template. The templates describe the standard titles, headings, and text items, plus some optional headings and text items that page authors may wish to include.
  • To use the template, download the relevant .docx template file (here). Leave out optional headings that you do not wish to use, and add your own headings and subheadings where appropriate. Write your content underneath these headings. Bullet point lists (e.g. of recommended readings) are acceptable.
  • Our editorial team will review your submission, and if we decide to accept it, will post a draft on the website for your final approval. After your approval, the page will be viewable by the public. Our team may also suggest revisions or reject the submission altogether.
  • Please suggest 3-7 keywords that describe your content. Our editorial team may add additional keywords or slightly adjust your suggested keywords to help organize content.
  • Please submit via email to or
  • Please include a 1-2 sentence summary (100 words max). This should include a brief summary of the content, the types of classes it might be useful for, and the goal of teaching the content.
  • Ideal submissions for units, lessons, and plans are both (a) “plug and play” – they can be implemented in a course fairly straightforwardly, and (b) contain some, but not an overwhelming amount of bibliographic information for the instructor beyond the intended assigned readings.

Please note that:

  • We may ask your permission to feature your submission on our website front page or on our social media.
  • We do not hold or claim any copyright of your work. If you wish to publish content that you authored for our website elsewhere, that is perfectly fine with us.
  • Upon receiving your submission, we will notify you as to its acceptance status as soon as possible.
  • If you wish to make revisions to your work, or have it removed from the site after it has been published, please contact us at


Primers provide instructors with basic information they’ll need to become acquainted with a subject area. Their content includes items such as key concepts, key figures, key texts, timelines, issues in language and translation, relationships to other areas of study, and other things that would be useful for an instructor who is new to the subject area to know.


Units offer suggestions about how to devote a course unit to an area of deviant philosophy. Units provide recommended reading schedules, background information about the unit’s topics and readings, and suggestions regarding how the unit might fit into the course’s larger arc.

Lesson Plan:

Lesson plans provide a plan for a single lesson with readings, concepts and ideas to cover, suggested discussion questions and activities, and suggestions regarding when to use the lesson and what sort of class it might be appropriate for.


Activities are tasks instructors can assign to their students to help them understand a concept or apply what they’ve learned. Activity pages provide a description of an activity and its aims, a list of texts instructors may wish to assign in connection with the activity, activity instructions for students, discussion questions to follow the activity, and connections between the activity’s topic and other topics where relevant.